
We invite anyone interested in playing with the Grande Prairie Music Society to fill in and submit the enrollment form below. Our ensembles have musicians of all ages, and we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.

If you’d like to volunteer or support the Grande Prairie Music Society, please go to our Contact page, and fill out the form with some information about where you’d like to help. Thank you!

Enrollment Form

GP Music Society Performance Ensemble Registration Form

(This form is for Jazz Band, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Youth Orchestra. (Not Marching Band)​ )
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GP Music Society Marching Band Registration Form

Get started

GP Music Society Membership-only Registration Form

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Member Information

Is the Membership applicant over 18 years of age?(Required)

Contact Information


Emergency Contact

Liability Consent

It is expressly understood and agreed that I am participating with the Grande Prairie Music Society entirely at my own risk and that neither Myself nor my executors, assignees, heirs or representatives will hold the Grande Prairie Music Society, its Executive, their agents or other ensemble members responsible for any death, injury, loss or damage occasioned to my person or property during the course of rehearsal, performance, and associated activities, however same may be caused whether with or without negligence on the part of any person and whether such occurs during ensemble planned activities or during free time.

I hereby acknowledge and agree that the Grande Prairie Music Society and its Executive, do not assume any responsibility for loss of wages, or the cost of medical, dental or hospital care incurred by ensemble members participating.

Consent Checkbox(Required)

Photo Consent

Throughout the season, photos may be taken of the ensemble and its individual members. Some of these photos may be used for advertising and promotional purposes including the GP Music Society's website and Facebook page.

Pictures of the whole ensemble in concert dress will be posted without signed permission; there will be no names posted with photos. Close-ups, individual or candid shots, will not be posted without your permission.

Please let us know your wishes regarding photos of you.

Photo use consent checkbox

Membership Options

Please let us know which Ensemble(s) you are interested in joining.(Required)
Please check all that apply.

Membership Fees

The Grande Prairie Music Society is a non-profit society. Membership holders are required to pay an annual membership fee of $10.

Payment may be sent by EFT to admin@gpmusicsociety.com (please put the name of the member in the comment), by cash, or by cheque made out to Grande Prairie Music Society.

Accept Marching Band fee(s) checkbox(Required)

How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us selector(Required)

Event Calendar

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join the GP Music Society

Interested in becoming a musician or a member with the Grande Prairie Music Society?
Sign up now
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